An interesting week…

Well, this past week saw many interesting things happen in the world. 9/11’s 5th aniversary came and went. I sincerely hope we never, ever forget! I lost my job (ugh..hate when that happens) and got a new one (YAY!!)so I won’t be a bag lady yet..Speaking of bag ladies, I was surprised to find out that most American women fear becoming one more than anything else in the world today.
The United Nations (you know, that dysfunctional pimple on the face of the lower East Side)had it’s General Assembly meeting. Bush got booed and Iran’s hostage-taking Islamo Nazi leader got applauded. Chavez called our President the devil one day and promised cheap fuel to our poor the next. Seems like he’s been super pissed at Bush since the attempted coup. I guess he thinks we were to blame. Too bad it was not successful. Ouch..

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